Is it time to stop the hipster hate? For the last five or six years there has been some big time hate on the youth of today. Hipsters are much maligned all over for lots of reason. They are unoriginal, overly ironic, or just plain dumb. Some of these complaints are not without merit.
Kids today are wearing fashions from the '80's its true. And you probably wore some bell bottoms and a tie dye in your day, or a Sex Pistols concert shirt or something similar. So what.
The irony attitude? I can't really speak against. Kids are always full of questions for authority. Add that to modern technology that makes you wonder if every slightly extordinary feat captured on film or video is a photoshop and you might become skeptical about the whole world too. This isn't just post-Watergate/Viet-Nam distrust, this is post Clinton blow-job/Gulf War 1 & 2 ditrust. I can't say I blame them too much here either.
As for being dumb, I doubt it. They are however mostly under thirty so if it is so hard for you to remember let me remind you. You did some really stupid shit when you were a that age. Like the time you...whatever you did some dumb stuff you learned that doing that stuff has consequneces and you do it less now or not at all. The point is you had to do it yourself. No amount of parenting, older sibling or peer warning was going to stop you from doing it. You had to do it yourself, so you did, and so do they.
So get over the hipster hate. Yes they move into your neighborhood and it gets fancy. Yes they drink PBR and wear bandanas and scarves. Get over it. You pissed off the hippies and punks and disco dnacers too. You were just to sefl-absorbed at the time to notice.
Still hating hipsters like it is 2004? Then this is the site for you.
That is Baltimore's own Dan Deacon on the April 29th pic.
Hela and The Black Racer
17 hours ago