I like when people ask you for specific amounts of money. If its change I usually give it to them. After I gave him the money I started to walk away. He stopped me and asked if I wanted an eggplant. I said ok, and he gave me one. It was his only eggplant. He then told me that it tastes best fried, "bread fried" to be specific.
I will eat it tomorrow, and let you know how it was.

President Obama (still not in spellchecker) gave his school speech yesterday. It was widely reported before the speech that many parents did not want their children to see the speech. Today, the day after the speech, I did not read any follow up articles or hear any follow up stories about people who rejected the speech before it was aired and how they felt after it was aired.
I guess they feel exactly the same, racist. I think that is a feeling, right? Maybe I am being unfair, but I did not hear very good reasons for prohibiting your children from seeing the President of the United States give a speech that asked them to stay in school and pay attention to their teachers, etc. In that et cetera, there is no mention of socialism, liberalism, or gun-taking-awayism.
So where was the follow up? I guess that would have been a "gotcha question" that the media is always accused of asking, but really they never do.
C-SPAN did get bla

I will have some health care stuff tomorrow after the presidents speech.