Friday, December 16, 2016
Sense8 Christmas Special and How J. Michael Straczynski Writes the Same Story Over and Over and Over....
The story goes something like this. A magic power source creates a number of super powerful individuals who need to be organized together to fight some other wielders of this power who would do the unpowered people of earth harm. It's not a terrible premise. It is the basic plot of Highlander which spawned three films and a syndicated TV series. Not a terrible plot to rip off.
The first time I came across J Mike's trick was Rising Stars. It was given to me by a friend when I was reading Supreme Power and was enjoying. Supreme Power tells a new version of the Squadron Supreme, DC hero allegories, origins. A modern world like our own with all it's flaws learns it has a Superman and Wonder Woman and how it deals with it, and how they deal with the world. Pretty good and always interesting to me. The hook of J Mike's version is an asteroid lands on earth and that spawns the appearance of a number of these new heroes.
When I opened my loaner of Rising Stars I was shocked to read that a modern world like our own with all it's flaws becomes the home of a number of super powered individuals when an asteroid crashes into the planet. The similarities were pretty incredible. Here J Mike uses the "There Can Be Only One" trope from Highlander for his supers.
Later J Mike came to Thor post Ragnarok with the Norse mythos members all missing. Thor learns that they are not gone but hidden in mortal form and he goes about re-powering them individually. So we have a modern world with all its flaws learns that gods and monsters are walking around among them and one powered individual who contacts each of these powered beings and by awakening them makes Asgard more powerful. Sound somewhat familiar?
Most recently I watched the Netflix series Sense8, I loved it. It's the story set in a modern world with all it's flaws and faults where a group of individuals gain super powers. As each member interacts with each other they become more powerful. Again basically the same plot as Rising Stars.
JMS is not the first or only writer to re-use plots, and the crime is not a terrible one. The best part of these stories is how the characters react to the plot device, not really the plot device itself. That said however, a great story will offer BOTH great interactions AND an original plot device. I am eagerly awaiting season 2 of Sense8 and the Christmas Special. I do wish that someone would tell J. Michael Straczynski to stop using the same story premise over and over and over again.
I don't think I'm telling you anything new or profound when I say the first Guardians of the Galaxy was great. It looks like the second will follow in the same path. Witty quips, massive space violence and Groot are a delightful combination. Out of all the MCU movies GotG has been the most rewatchable. I'm eagerly awaiting this one, as Drax's straight man lines have cracked me up in both trailers.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Comic Shop Review: Tate's Comics Lauderhill, FL
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I swear these faces move |
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Geiger Meets Robocop |
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Comics This Way |
Worth noting at the time of my visit was a loft space the sold locally crafted jewelry and knick-knacks. This is a great combination of concepts. It is always good when a store owner supports local creators of any type. The cross-over in artisan crafting and comic readers is probably higher than most would readily think. Upon reflection the connection seems obvious, and some stores sell local craft good, especially those with a direct comic link, but not as many as probably should.
Jim Jay Bullock and Charo were off for that weeks show |
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Comic Shop Review: Green Shift Music & Comics Seminole Heights, Tampa, FL
Strip Malls |
Green Shift Music and Comics is old school. I can think of no better way to describe it. It's been a long time since I visited so I can't recall if the music or comics came first, but at some point back
in the day the combination of these two great tastes that taste great together was made, finding their home here along Nebraska Ave in Tampa, Fla.
The first thing to notice about the low slung, and at this point classic Florida sprawl style building is the custom paintings of musicians that line the building. Morrissey, Roy Orbison (replaced by Johnny Cash?), Hendrix (twice), and right next to the front door Frank Zappa.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced |
Long Box Graveyard |
The staff is ok, not particularly exemplary, but not offensive either . On my visit the man behind the counter was nice enough. He answered my questions about the shop, although I can't recall some of his answers. He did mention that the small new comic rack was the original 1980's comic rack. Otherwise, I don't recall him greeting me or making much small talk, this is neither good nor bad just middling in the impression area.
Blurry Racks of Things and Hidden Comics |
My Comic Shop Review Rating: 6 of 10 (Bumped up one for Zappa).
I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird |
Friday, August 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Are You Into Yoga?
Diana Palmer, the woman on the right, is posed in a stereotypical ass out comics pose. What's alarming is the posture, which is pretty much not anatomically possible is incredibly over accentuated. What is great though is the look on the Phantom's face. He has a sort of "WTF?" disappointment as he wonders if he himself can get his wife to turn around like a normal person or if he could just disappear from the scene forever.
The picture is by Sean Joyce who will be drawing the new Hermes Press Phantom series.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Comic Shop Review: Vortex Comics, Milwaukee, WI
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The entrance to the Vortex |
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Mike, pushing the rock |
The day I visited, and probably most everyday, the shop owner JR was running the till. Very friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. He even offered to dig for other books I was looking for but didn't see while I was there and mail them to me, even though they may only be dollar books. JR's shop assistant Mike handled the Sisyphean task of restocking the collection bins. Pulling from the back stock and working from A-Z replacing books and noting where acquisitions need to be made, and by the time he reaches the end of the alphabet it's time to restart the beginning again.
Honestly, the organization of the back issues was pretty phenomenal. I've seen smaller collections in much larger state of disarray. This as much as anything showed the amount of love for the store, and the product. Both JR and Mike bantered politely, and the shop talk didn't delve into anything off-color. JR gave me a full tour and even a quick carpentry tutorial on how to build long box shelves of my own.
If I lived in the area there is little doubt that this would be my comic shop of choice. The stores focus is clear and the care given to the product is evident in that focus. Tons of back issues, plenty of new issues on the shelves. This may not be the shop for the casual fan but if you like comics it is the place for you.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Comic Shop Review: Lost Worlds of Wonder, Milwaukee, WI
Once again on the road hitting up the local comic shops. Why? Because I really like comics, and even though comics, unlike food or even clothes, are basically the same everywhere in the U.S.A. no two comic shops are alike. There is not a McDonalds or Wall-Mart of comics, thankfully. Each store is unique in its own way. Some are good, some are not so good. Lost World of Wonders is definitely in the good side of things.
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Stuffed animals, models, games, and more |
Star Wars Corner |
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Quarter bins even! |
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Trump Portsmouth, NH
We have returned to the campaign trail, and once again I find myself in New Hampshire. With the Democratic field so small the story to be told is coming out of the Republican camps. While the number of cadidates has dwindled over the summer and fall there are still a number of strong contenders and early polls are tightening showing this race could go in many directions. Even third and fourth place finishers in Iowa and New Hampshire may be able to hold on past South Carolina and into Super Tuesday. I won't jump too far ahead though, as everyone still needs to get through the Granite State's "First in the Nation Primary."
Way back in 2013 I began covering Ted Cruz fundraising speeches in the White Mountains. Back then the story was Jeb Bush's Republican Ascendancy to the Nomination. Two years later the story is quite different. Jeb is in the cellar, and last season's joke candidate is this season's front runner. TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! is here to "Make America Great Again!"
Even as a member of the target audience, I don't see the appeal. Taking extreme stands is fine with me, but Trump feels too ridiculous. I sometimes wonder if he isn't a Democratic patsy. A sort of bizzaro Manchurian Candidate created to make Hilary appealing. Her campaign must see him as her best opponent by far.
Surely the Republican Party, once the hallmark of the unified message, is only tolerating him until they can sort out their own most electable guy or gal. They allow Trump to absorb the blows of the mainstream press, and keep the pressure off of their true #1. A classic D&D style brick character, not skillful or even strong but with hit points to spare while the wizard preps the spells.
The trouble with my theory is Trump is, as far as we know, doing very well. He is drawing a crowd and poll respondents are saying his name again and again. Time will tell, as election results and poll numbers have found themselves in oddly different corners of the room when the sun rises the day after election day. Could Trump be a paper tiger or is he the real mccoy?