Oregon is beautiful. Surrounded by mountains, and a stones throw to the ocean. A gorgeous state. I had forgotten how much I loved it out here. I really have to come back when I am on my own time, and with someone who would enjoy it as much as I.
The flight into Portland goes past Mt Hood, and is stunning, alas no photo! But I grabbed this in the car on the way to Eugene. Purple Mountains Majesty in the horizon.
Small town America where the flag still means something.
Sometimes that something means junk you need to do something with. I hope they dispose of that thing properly.
In Oregon you have a week to vote, and all elections are done by "absentee" ballot. You just drop the ballot in one of these nice boxes. You do so at your leisure, not only on the first tuesday of the first full week after the first new moon of the third financial quarter before 7pm, rain or shine, no excuses. So you know a bit more small 'd' democratic. Note Los Cabos in the background, some say they make the best chili verde for miles around. It was delicious.
And now some wild flowers...