I am leaving again to head out on the road. Its a long trip, six days, and I am looking forward to, and dreading the trip at the same time.
The tour begins in Baltimore, then a hop to SLC, and a hop to Portland then a drive down to Eugene, OR. Our first shoot is Saturday in Eugene. It, and all the other shoots, involves interviews with disabled Iraq War vets. Sobering to say the least.
My next leg will take me back to Portland, then a flight to Oakland. Oakland will be our second location, then Tuesday its off to San Antonio would-be-thieves of the New Orleans Saints. There we will do the last interview Wednesday, and I will visit the Alamo. Thursday its back home again.
I don't know if its not seeing Amy for so long, the importance of the trip for my job, a subconscious desire to not leave my house, or the heat, but I have not slept tonight. I leave for the airport in a few hours. I will definitely be sleeping on the plane.
The Spectre and Young Hellboy
8 hours ago
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