Who doesn't feel this way from time to time? |
In the 80's First Lady Nancy Reagan launched a drug awareness and abuse prevention program called by most "Just Say No." In an effort to reach out The Kids, she and her corporate sponsors commissioned some comic books, because The Kids love comics.
The book was a success, using the enormously popular Teen Titans to reach out to other kids worked, so two more issues were commissioned. To keep things consistent, Robin who had been reskinned as The Protector was used again in each issue. He had been struck from the first issue because the issues sponsor, Keebler, did not want to conflict with Nabisco's use of Robin in one of their products. Weird, but hey comics.
The current Titans team of Marv Wolfman and George Perez wrote and drew the series. They aren't terrible for educational books, and the Perez art is always so crisp and clean that it stands out against other comics of the type that might skimp on the art duties they enlist.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. |
The books were meant to be distributed to kids in school and other education programs so they feature some activity pages. Naturally if you give kids a blank space to fill in as they choose you'll get some odd answers.
I picked up this copy of the drug issue in a dollar bin in a Milwaukee, WI store. It wasn't a book I was searching after or anything, just a random buy. Turns out it was a worthwhile choice if for this page alone.
The issue didn't mention the use of silucnate or mosgniro specifically, but clearly they are not the appropriate drugs to use when you are gronnige. I'm pretty sure that last panel is a prayer to a great old one.
Feel free to download the image and white out the balloons and fill in your own answers.