Monday, January 2, 2017

Sharing is Caring

I just returned my first DVD to Netflix in several years. It was Tribulation 99 by Craig Baldwin. It's a  strange found footage mockumentary send up of conspiracy theory. Heavy to watch, obviously, as it took me three years to find the time and proper mind set to sit and watch it. Worth the wait I suppose.

Having returned the DVD I thought it would be a good idea to update the ol' queue. I was saddened to find that the Netflix Social Media Network was gone. I guess it was a failure, but for a time you could see what your pals watched, and how they rated stuff. You could, I believe, share those movies and reviews with your friends.

All that is left of the system is the review writing which is completely anonymous and ignored. Unlike Amazon's review system that you can see the number of each starred review there are the Netflix system is just a random slurry of reviews ranked I assume by date submitted. It's an ugly mess.

I guess you can just talk with your friends about what's good, as you do, but I like reading reviews online. I especially liked seeing what my friends watched and how they rated things. It gave me a pretty accurate view of their tastes. It also tipped me to some interesting flicks that I would have missed otherwise.

Nothing will bring the Netflix Social Site back so I guess what I'm trying to say is if you have any movies to recommend let me know.

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