Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Grain Belt

A lot of people might be quick to say, "Hey you're in
Iowa, that's the Bible Belt, right," and they would be right. That would be a true statement, but it would also be a divisive statement. It sets up division between people who carry bibles in there belts and those who don't. It sets people and odds, and let's face by 2007 we need less division and more unity. So when people say Iowa is the Bible Belt, I say, sure but it is also the Grain Belt.

Now except for those gluten allergic freaks, nothing is more unifying then grain. We all eat it. We all love it, and Iowa is the heart of the grain making country. So don't hate on the middle of the country. Don't dismiss them as "fly over" or "Bible Thumpers". Accept them as the folks just like you, except they live where most of your food is made.


The eighth floor of the Embassy Suites Des Moines is the temporary home to Clinton family. This morning I saw Chelsea at the free breakfast in the lobby, hot food not that continental crap like Days Inn. Chelsea had just come from the gym, no doubt working on getting as fine a booty as her mom (finest of the candidates booty as attested to by S.B. who viewed it mounting the stairs of Air force one and it moved him to tears if not cat calls and wolf whistles.) Secret Service has a round the clock post outside the Presidential Suite at the end of my hallway (A bit presumptuous Hil? But slack given for your hubby.)

Early this morning rumor has it the Clinton's checked out and the Obama's checked into the same room (See above for pithy aside, slack given for being my candidate of choice.)

The Embassy Suites Des Moines, where the elite meet to eat and sleep.


Tomorrow promises to be a low work day, so I will be headed out on the town. Gotta find the hot spot for New Years Eve.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did Chelsea have grains for breakfast? Miss you.